Alzheimer’s is the only disease among the top 10 causes of death in the country that cannot be cured, prevented or even slowed. In 2013, 84, 000 Americans were reported to have died because of the Alzheimer’s and just after three years, in 2016 this number has exploded to 700, 000 people.
So how will we know that you or your loved ones is might already be suffering from this killer disease? Here are some warning signs that the best home health care in East North Street Madisonville KY, Brighton Cornerstone Healthcare, has listed just for you.
- Confusion with time and place Among the patients of your home health care in East North Street Madisonville KY, the usual initial symptom that caregivers have observed is confusion with time and place. They fail to remember your scheduled date with them, while others also forget the place where you should meet or how to get there.
- Memory loss disrupting daily lifeBrighton Cornerstone Healthcare has also discovered that patients with Alzheimer’s tend to forget information easily, especially those they have just recently learned. Some forget significant dates or events, increase their need to rely on memory aids, or ask for similar information over and over again.But as loved ones of older adults needing services from a home health care in East North Street Madisonville KY have said, “The worst and most painful time for us, that this disease has caused our parents, was when they already forget our names.”
- Having a hard time planning or solving problemsAnother symptom of Alzheimer’s which Brighton Cornerstone Healthcare’s patients have observed are changing abilities to develop and follow a plan or work with numbers. Some may also have trouble following a familiar recipe or keeping track of their monthly bills.
- Difficulty with speaking or writingAlthough this is not a common symptom, some seniors taken care of Brighton Cornerstone Healthcare have trouble joining or following a conversation. Some suddenly stop in the middle of a conversation and have no idea how to go on, and at times they just repeat what they’ve been saying.
- Problems in completing tasks at home, work or leisurePeople with Alzheimer’s commonly have difficulties in completing daily routine tasks. There are seniors who start to have trouble driving in a path they’ve used to pass by for years. Other patients of home health care in East North Street Madisonville KY also find it hard to remember the mechanics of their favorite game or to manage a budget at work.
Are your senior loved ones currently experiencing the symptoms mentioned above? How are you coping up with them? Share us your story and we might even be able to help.