Time changes as weather condition changes too. Whatever season you are in, it is always an advantage to be in a clean health as possible. Adult people particularly 65 years old and above are prone to get severe flu infection than younger ones because of the weakening immune system as a result of aging.
Influenza is a respiratory illness caused by influenza virus. This is dangerous and life-threatening to older people thus, it should not be handled lightly. Severe cases may sometimes lead to death. Never delay to get yourself with flu vaccine while you are not yet infected. This is your perfect time to be vaccinated to keep you away from the risks and harmful complications of flu-related diseases. Brighton Cornerstone Healthcare notes the following precautionary measures for your guidance.
- Get your physician’s appointment as soon as possible to get the correct prescription of flu shots. There are vaccines to date that are intended for seniors. The dosage are actually beyond the normal dose. These flu vaccines are readily available at any major drugstores and maybe injected to you for free of charge.
- Stay clean and healthy. Keep yourself away from the people who are sick and stay home when you are not feeling well to keep others from being health impaired too.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a clean tissue paper whenever you feel coughing and sneezing. Used tissue paper should be thrown right away in a proper garbage bin.
- Keep your hands germs-free. You may wash it with soap and water if not you may use a hand wash which is alcohol-based.
- Eat the right food with enough fluids, do exercise and take a good rest and sleep
- Consult your physician for any uncommon ill-feeling right away. Check if you need to undergo any treatment for anti-viral infection to prevent from further harm exposure to your health and may not prolong your suffering. The following are indications of flu infections:
- Fever
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Chills and cough
- Body fatigue
- Headaches
- Loose bowel movement
- Fee like vomiting
Influenza virus is contagious that can infect the nose, throat and lungs. The virus may be dispersed widely in the following manner:
- Droplets released during talking, coughing and sneezing made by people infected with flu. The droplets may reach to the mouths and noses of those people close at hand.
- It can spread also by touching the physical object or surface contacted with virus.
So be careful and talk to our health assistants at once at Brighton Cornerstone Healthcare. Our home health care in East North Street Madisonville KY will be your best partner in mitigating any potential risks at home. Call us today.